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SIPs Resonance Accelerator


The SIPs (Simple Immunity Practices) are a 2-week long interconnected and guided journey involving daily practices to build our physical immunity, emotional strength and personal wisdom. This course is a trove of insightfully curated exercises based on ancient wisdom to bring out our healthiest, "wellthiest" & the wisest selves. In this guided journey, you will receive: 1. Relatable, quick learning video assets 2. Opportunities to implement the practice every day 3. Additional reading The course you buy will be LIFETIME ACCESS for you. By registering for the course, you will subsequently get an opportunity to join our EIKAM COMMUNITY. An intuitive journey that guides us to develop OUTWARD – physical and emotional well-being as well as INWARD – becoming one’s wisest self, the SIPs is an all-in-one course you need. Take a step toward your most resonant self today!




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